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Communication Aspects in Autism

The Foundation has a special interest in projects related to communication skills in adults with autism. At this meeting, three Foundation grant recipients presented the results of their grants.  Professor Stephen Porges of the University of Illinois at Chicago shared data from his grant entitled, “Stimulating Social Communication Behaviors in Adults and Adolescents With Autism Using Auditory Vagal Nerve Stimulation Techniques.”  Professor Alan Fogel from the University of Utah and his colleague Sally Young of the University of Wisconsin spoke about their grant entitled, “Research on Motor Issues in Autism using Feldenkrais Movement Lessons.”  Dr. Andy Grayson of the Open University in London presented on his grant funded by NAAR and underwritten by the NLM Family Foundation entitled, “Facilitated Communication: A Systematic Observational Research Project Using Fine Grained Video Analysis and Eye Tracking.” 

Low-Level Auditory Processing in Autism 
Jose Alcantara, Ph.D., University of Cambridge

Research into the Neurocognitive Aspects of Autism 
Matthew Belmonte, Ph.D., University of Cambridge

Research on Motor Issues in Autism Using Feldenkrais Movement Lessons 
Alan Fogel, Ph.D., University of Utah , and Sally Young

Facilitated Communication: A Systematic Observational Research Project Using Fine-Grained Video Analysis and Eye Tracking 
Andy Grayson, Ph.D., The Open University

Imaging Studies of Auditory Processing 
Dae-Shik Kim, Ph.D., Boston University School of Medicine

Mirror Cells in Autism: Insights into Pathophysiology and Novel Therapeutic Approaches
Pascual-Leone , M.D. , Ph.D., Harvard University Medical School

Stimulating Social Communication Behaviors in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders 
Stephen Porges, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago


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