Family Camp for Families Affected by Autism
In May 2009, Camp Yavneh opened an annual 5-day Family Camp for Families Affected by Autism. Yavneh’s program for those on the autism spectrum is unique. There is a great need in the Jewish community for ways to integrate families affected by autism into the mainstream of the Jewish and general community. This need is particularly acute in the more traditional segments of the community, which, in addition to the issues related to autism, have specific needs regarding religious observance that are not accommodated by existing programs. Yavneh’s Family Camp program integrates families from the entire spectrum of the Jewish community, while providing a supportive environment for such families. This program provides a vital respite for caregivers in families affected by autism, integrated programs for children on the autism spectrum with their siblings and parents, and an entrée for such families into the mainstream community. Yavneh hopes to create a program that can serve as a model and be replicated in communities throughout North America.
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